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Air Duster Large750ml

Air Duster Large750ml

  • PERFECT DUST REMOVING - Compressed Air is ideally suited for removing dust, dirt, liquids and all other contaminants that adhere loosely to cleaned surfaces
  • ✅ SAFE TO USE - Laptop Cleaner does not react with other materials. Canned Air is completely clean, leaves no stains or marks on the cleaned surface.
  • ✅ ECOLOGICAL GASES - Unlike other products available on the market, the Air Duster container is filled with high-quality, odorless organic gas in line with the latest EU standards
  • ✅ IDEAL FOR FREEZING - PC Cleaning Kit can be used upside down, then it acts as a freezing device for anything that requires cooling down to very low temperatures. Our product allows you to freeze objects up to - 50°C
  • ✅ PRECISE CLEANING - The use of our Aerosol Duster with capillary tube mounted on a nozzle ensures precise cleaning in extremely inaccessible locations. Every can has two nozzles in a set - one with short tube and one with long.

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